

主演:雷娜特·赖因斯夫,安德斯·丹尼尔森·李,巴哈·帕斯,比约恩·桑德奎斯特,扬·海恩凯维奇,本特·博瑟姆,Denise Trankalis,Olga Damani,Inesa Dauksta,Kian Hansen

类型:电影地区:瑞典 / 挪威 / 希腊语言:挪威语年份:2024










  Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's acclaimed horror novel.  Fifteen years after Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist is back with an existentially high-octane horror film that leaves no one untouched. With emotional depth, visual power, and a perfect tone, director Thea Hvistendahl tells the story of three families recently left in grief after the passing of their loved ones. But suddenly, the power grid goes out, and the deceased start to move. Norwegian stars Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie (both acclaimed for The Worst Person in the World) portray complex reunions and interrupted mourning processes, alongside Bahar Pars and Bjørn Sundquist, in a chillingly thought-provoking and truly remarkable horror drama.  源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/handling-the-undead热舞人人都爱钻石第一季逃之夭夭2005国语火花兄弟帕欧的火山星空中的潘朵拉运财童子苦果熟女镇第六季洛奇4国语骆驼客3之弓魂传荒岛重生灭亡鲨颤狗神2023请回答1988怖偶马普尔小姐探案 第五季盒子拉布雷亚第二季性/生活第二季刘德华线上演唱会精选重映小手牵小狗明天我会醒来用茶水烫伤自己我曾是个士兵灵笼我们的父辈爱你情出于蓝第二季调香师第二季汉尼拔第三季Racionais MC's::来自圣保罗街头的嘻哈传奇摩斯探长前传 第八季鲭鱼罐头热恋中的他致命时刻好男好女少年·小赵浪客剑心2012搜情者黑社会2:以和为贵粤语唐山五虎逃之恋欢乐喜剧人 第五季爱去向何方破碎边缘女人的村庄

