Feliz NaviDAD


主演:马里奥·洛佩兹,安娜琳·麦考德,Paulina Chávez,玛丽卡门·洛佩兹,Frankie Quinones,Cheryl Freeman,Rick Najera,Herb Mendelsohn,Angel Alvarado,梅丽莎·博洛纳,梅利莎·琼·哈特







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  David Morales (Mario Lopez), an Arizona high school principal and single dad, has lost the holiday spirit after also losing his wife a few years ago during the Christmas season. Now, David will do anything to avoid Christmas so he moonlights as a delivery driver during the holidays. But this year David's 14-year-old daughter, Noel (Paulina Chavez), and his live-in sister, Marissa (Marycarmen Lopez), are determined to bring the yuletide spirit back to the family and, with a little luck, also help David find love again via online dating. So when Sophie (AnnaLynne McCord), a witty musician and customer on David's delivery route, swipes right on him, something magical happens between them.指挥家2018编织记忆第三季破碎中国全职猎人剧场版:绯色的幻影接班女婿帅位无论罗拉要什么新独臂刀人生真美丽2010鲍勃·威尔的漫长奇异之旅傻瓜跑进来厕所英雄中国龙他们真命天子2016海陆版沙胆英星星的故乡上海1920财星高照邪恶力量第三季异形魔怪5:血统桃源咖啡镇遗恨:明治十三年最后的复仇一个人的突击队2皇甫神医巅峰拍档第二十二季金刚归来闪婚老公太给力巨浪1996爱探险的朵拉 第一季真实的较量重返时间之旅关中枪声小题大做2010卓娅拴线的气球洛克王国4:出发!巨人谷



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