



主演:Saadet Aksoy,Andy Boyns,Aybars Kartal Özson,Ibrahim Celikkol,Belçim Bilgin,Alican Yücesoy





  Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. While on business trip in Italy with his friend Ayhan, they come across Naz, a charming pediatrician who makes an impression on both of them. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali Nejat finds himself as a single father to his previously unknown son, Kaan. While trying to balance his life as a new father and a businessman, Ali Nejat ends up leaning on Naz for help. Naz, whom Kaan has met before, becomes important person in their lives. Umut, Naz's husband, works as a mechanic with Genco and Isot in a small local garage which is struggling to stay in business. His skills as a designer gets the attention of Ali Nejat, who hires him as a designer for his car project. Bad decisions in business keep haunting Umut and Genco, and cause a ...

封神榜·妖灭史泰龙的传奇一杆青空无言的结局钢之炼金术师:叹息之丘的圣星基和皮尔第四季同班绯闻异域之末路英雄访问连环杀手水仙女完美无瑕1999既然出生就环游世界爱的困惑声音之春小鬼当家3玩家2018爵士情未了湄洲岛奇缘绯色的碎片第一季隘谷终点站2016洞201420岁的微热借口给我承诺海德女士惊惧幻象战将周希汉加油啊,李先生S-94惊天动地8.0麻雀变王妃3我的冠军狗美国犯罪故事 第二季牛蝇绣春伏魔传之大闹扶桑国从前慢·白首要相离纯爱不和谐音斗牛士1986神曲奏界 Polyphonica Crimson S饿沙罗鬼宝贝大盗十月围城猫鼠游戏2009盂兰盆节的弟弟

